42ste Eastman Open van Gent - 42nd Eastman Open of Ghent
20 > 24/07/2019 -> St. Barbaracollege, B-Gent
Er zijn vele gelijkenissen tussen "zaken doen" en schaken. Ook vandaag is dit nog relevant. Schaken was historisch al populair bij grote leiders als Napoleon en is een uitstekende leerschool voor strategisch inzicht en tactische wendbaarheid. Vele elementen die nuttig zijn in het schaken kunnen ook gebruikt worden bij het nemen van beslissingen in het bedrijfsleven. Voorbereiding en planning, het kennen van je tegenstrevers en concurrenten, flexibiliteit, geduld en volharding, verdedigen van de ingenomen positie, aanval op meerdere fronten, dit zijn maar een aantal facetten die kunnen leiden tot succes zowel aan het schaakbord als in de zakenwereld. Met trots associeert Eastman zich daarom met deze tactische en strategische sport.

Eastman is a global specialty chemical company that produces a broad range of products found in items people use every day. With a portfolio of specialty businesses, Eastman works with customers to deliver innovative products and solutions while maintaining a commitment to safety and sustainability. Its market-driven approaches take advantage of world-class technology platforms and leading positions in attractive end-markets such as transportation, building and construction, and consumables. Eastman focuses on creating consistent, superior value for all stakeholders.
As a globally diverse company, Eastman serves customers in approximately 100 countries and had 2014 revenues of approximately $9.5 billion. The company is headquartered in Kingsport, Tennessee, USA and employs approximately 15,000 people around the world.
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Parallels have long been drawn between business and chess but they remain as relevant today as ever before. The ancient game of chess has been used as a strategy learning tool for leaders of all kinds for hundreds of years and many elements of strategic decision making in chess can also be applied in business. Preparation & planning, knowing your opponent, fl exibility, patience and perseverance, preserving your assets - these are just a few of the skills that can lead to a win both on the chessboard and in the boardroom. Eastman is proud to associate its name with this tactical and strategic sport.