45th Ghent Open International Chess Tournament

Koninklijke Gentse Schaakkring Ruy Lopez

After a few years of interruption, the Ghent Open is once again a guest at the familiar Sint-Barabara College in Ghent. The counter for this venue now stands at 14.

An important change for this tournament is the availability of the church as a chess room. During previous editions of the tournament, only the prize-giving ceremony could take place there. A nice cool room, unlike the sports hall upstairs during a heat wave.


We provide accommodation in the Don Bosco boarding school, Kortrijksesteenweg 1025, in Sint-Denijs-Westrem. This accommodation is very easily accessible by public transport with stops near the tournament venue and the boarding school (stop Gent Maria Middelares - Maalte). A pedestrian tunnel under the road connects the stop with the boarding school to make things as easy as possible for you.

For those who book an accommodation and come to the tournament by car, the accommodation in Don Bosco Sint-Denijs-Westrem has a private parking.

Each room has a bed, cupboards, washbasin and desk. In the middle of the corridor, a sufficient number of individual showers and toilets remain at your disposal. There are also sitting areas with vending machines with soft drinks.

The price for a single room breakfast included is € 50/night. One additional night is charged as warranty. A 4-night stay (Saturday, Sunday, Munday and Tuesday night) in the Don Bosco Sint-Denijs Westrem boarding school will consequently cost you € 250, including a € 50 warranty, which will be refunded in case the room is returned in a proper condition.

The beds are provided with mattress protectors, pillows, sheets and blankets.

All reserved rooms have to be paid within 10 days of reservation! Reservations subject to availability.

The reservation of a room is only considered final when the required amount due to the rent of the room is received. The accommodation will be confirmed by e-mail when we receive the amount due.

Each player who reserves a room should present himself in the tournament hall as well as in the Don Bosco boarding school in Sint-Denijs-Westrem. Both registrations ought to take place before 13h00.

Bank details for the payment of the accommodation and the tournament entry fee:

IBAN BE48 7374 2629 4027

in the name of chess club KGSRL with clear mentioning of the participant’s name.



Savaanstraat 33
B-9000 GENT

Phone number

available from 01/07/24


Schaakhuis Caïssa - KGSRL
Abrahamstraat 46, B-9000 Gent
0411.954.149 - RPR Gent
info@kgsrl.be - caissa@kgsrl.be