45th Ghent Open International Chess Tournament

Koninklijke Gentse Schaakkring Ruy Lopez

After a few years of interruption, the Ghent Open is once again a guest at the familiar Sint-Barabara College in Ghent. The counter for this venue now stands at 14.

An important change for this tournament is the availability of the church as a chess room. During previous editions of the tournament, only the prize-giving ceremony could take place there. A nice cool room, unlike the sports hall upstairs during a heat wave.
3 Tournaments
Open FIDE rated
Just like last year, a FIDE rated tournament will be organized again this year. Five days, two rounds per day, one round on the last day.
The unrated tournament is the classic tournament as it has been organized for years. Play chess for fun without worrying about the rating. Five days, two rounds per day, one round on the last day.
Open 55+
The unrated senior tournament for players born before 01/01/1969. Five rounds, one round per day.

Open FIDE rated

R1: 20.07.2024 > 14:00 - 18:00
R2: 20.07.2024 > 19:00 - 23:00
R3: 21.07.2024 > 13:00 - 17:00
R4: 21.07.2024 > 19:00 - 23:00
R5: 22.07.2024 > 13:00 - 17:00
R6: 22.07.2024 > 19:00 - 23:00
R7: 23.07.2024 > 13:00 - 17:00
R8: 23.07.2024 > 19:00 - 23:00
R9: 24.07.2024 > 11:00 - 15:00

Prize-giving 24.07.2024 - 17.00 h.
9 Round Swiss - 90 min + 30 sec/move
Bye = 1/2 pt (max. 2 during the first 5 rounds)

Entree fee*: € 50 - Youth players (born after 01.01.2004): € 30 - (W)FM: € 30 - (W)GM, (W)IM, Belgian (W)FM: free
(*) incl. reception and tournament bulletins

Arbiter: International Arbiter Marc Bils

How to register for the tournament?

• Click on register in the menu to complete the registration form on the registration site
• Pay the entree fee on our bank account IBAN BE48 7374 2629 4027 - BIC KREDBEBB with clear mentioning of the participant's name
• Payment on arrival in the tournament hall is also possible
• Registration on 20.07.24 from 11.00 till 13.00 h., players who have booked a room must register in the homes and in the tournament room before 13.00 h.

Additional conditions

Only a select number of (W)GM's will be given free accommodation (breakfast included) in a student home. No further conditions will be granted.

Prize money

Open unrated

R1: 20.07.2024 > 14:00 - 18:00
R2: 20.07.2024 > 19:00 - 23:00
R3: 21.07.2024 > 13:00 - 17:00
R4: 21.07.2024 > 19:00 - 23:00
R5: 22.07.2024 > 13:00 - 17:00
R6: 22.07.2024 > 19:00 - 23:00
R7: 23.07.2024 > 13:00 - 17:00
R8: 23.07.2024 > 19:00 - 23:00
R9: 24.07.2024 > 11:00 - 15:00

Prize-giving 24.07.2024 - 17.00 h.
9 Round Swiss - 90 min + 30 sec/move
Bye = 1/2 pt (max. 2 during the first 5 rounds)

Entree fee*: € 50 - Youth players (born after 01.01.2004): € 30 - (W)FM: € 30 - (W)GM, (W)IM, Belgian (W)FM: free
(*) incl. reception and tournament bulletins

Arbiter: International Arbiter Marc Bils

How to register for the tournament?

• Click on register in the menu to complete the registration form on the registration site
• Pay the entree fee on our bank account IBAN BE48 7374 2629 4027 - BIC KREDBEBB with clear mentioning of the participant's name
• Payment on arrival in the tournament hall is also possible
• Registration on 20.07.24 from 11.00 till 13.00 h., players who have booked a room must register in the homes and in the tournament room before 13.00 h.

Additional conditions

Only a select number of (W)GM's will be given free accommodation (breakfast included) in a student home. No further conditions will be granted.

Prize money

Open 55+

Open non-rated senior tournament for players born before 01/01/1969

R1: 20.07.2024 > 14:00 - 18:00
R2: 21.07.2024 > 14:00 - 18:00
R3: 22.07.2024 > 14:00 - 18:00
R4: 23.07.2024 > 14:00 - 18:00
R5: 24.07.2024 > 11:00 - 15:00

Prize-giving 24.07.2024 - 17.00 h.
5 Rounds Swis - 90 min + 30 sec/move
Bye = 0 pt

Entry fee*: € 30 - (W)GM, (W)IM, Belgian (W)FM: free
(*) incl. reception and tournament bulletins

How to register for the tournament?

• Click on register in the menu to complete the registration form on the registration site
• Pay the entree fee on our bank account IBAN BE48 7374 2629 4027 - BIC KREDBEBB with clear mentioning of the participant's name
• Payment on arrival in the tournament hall is also possible
• Registration on 20.07.24 from 11.00 till 13.00 h., players who have booked a room must register in the homes and in the tournament room before 13.00 h.

Prize Money

Prize money according to the number of players, rating prizes for < 1700, 1700-1849 en 1850-1999.

General info

The Ghent Open 2024 is an organization of the Royal Ghent Chess Circle Ruy Lopez in collaboration with the City of Ghent.
Prize money

FIDE rated: € 4.875
Unrated: € 2.250

Total prize money: € 7.125

The total prize money of € 7.125 is based on 250 players and is adapted percentagewise according to the total number of participants paying entry fee (excl. 55+).

In the event of a tie, prizes will be shared. The prize money is not cumulative.
Additional prizes

• The chess club participating with the highest number of main club members, is granted € 100 (excepting KGSRL).

• The team of which 5 main club players obtain the highest number of points, receives € 100. The second team, € 50.

• The winner of the chess problem competition is awarded € 25.

• Each round, the player scoring the best Elo performance receives a bottle of Cava (max. 1 bottle pro player).
No smoking

The general smoking prohibition applies to Sint-Barbaracollege as well as the student home.

Lodging is provided in a student home.

Room and breakfastt - 4 nights: € 200
Reservations can be made till 15-07-2024.
Former winners

Number of participants and winners of the past 44 editions of the Ghent Open.

The rules for the 3 tournaments (FIDE rated, unrated and 55+).
Save the date

The solutions to the 2 chess problems on the 'Save the date' flyer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I be absent for a round?

Yes, in the open tournaments you will receive half a point each for a maximum of 2 byes requested in advance until round 5. A bye in the 55+ tournament does not result in points.

How much is the prize money if more or less than 250 paying players participate in the tournament?

Prize money will be adjusted pro rata to the number of paying participants in the FIDE rated and unrated tournament. An example: there are 260 paying players participating in the open tournaments, 2nd prize in the "main prizes FIDE rated" category will be: (€1.000 x 260)/250 or €1.040.

Can I play against a clubmate?

This is avoided if possible during the first three rounds (two rounds for 55+), but it is possible later in the tournament.

When will the pairings for the next day be available?

Each evening, the pairings will be posted in the tournament hall. These can also be consulted on our website around midnight.

What in case of disputes?

A player committee will be formed, consisting of three randomly elected players. This committee will handle any disputes in consultation with the main tournament director.

I booked a room in Don Bosco. What is the procedure?

A room reservation is only final once payment has been received. Payment to KGSRL account number: BIC KREDBEBB - IBAN BE48 7374 2629 4027. Please include the names of all players you are paying for. The accommodation will be confirmed by e-mail after receipt of payment.

Every player who requests accommodation must report to the tournament hall as well as to the Don Bosco student home on the first day of the tournament. This is very important! Players who only register in the student home will not be paired for the 1ste round of the tournament. Players who only register in the tournament room may lose their reserved room after 1 p.m. Both registrations must be made before 1 p.m.

What is included in my stay?

A daily breakfast buffet is included in the price (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning). All rooms have beds with mattress protectors, sheets, blankets and pillows. There are sufficient individual sanitary facilities in the corridors, and a washbasin is available in the rooms.

Why do I have to pay a deposit?

The deposit is also a protection against loss of keys and will be refunded after the tournament if the room is left clean.

Can I extend my stay?

Yes, but it is only possible to arrive one day earlier (Friday 19 July from 18:00) or stay one day longer (Wednesday 24 July, room to leave on Thursday 25 July at 11:00). Participants wishing to stay longer in Ghent should seek accommodation on their own initiative.

What if I have to cancel for certain reasons and have already booked and paid for a room?

Paid room reservations cancelled before 07 July 2024 will be fully refunded, cancellations before 11 July for 75% and cancellations before 15 July for 50%. No cancellations will be refunded from 15/07 onwards. All refunds, if any, will be deposited only after the Open Tournament. Refunds must be requested by e-mail.

When should I leave my room?

Each player must leave their room no later than July 24 before the prize-giving ceremony, unless the room is reserved until Thursday morning, in which case the room must be left on Thursday by 11am.

Is parking provided nearby?

Don Bosco has sufficient parking spaces on site. Parking is free and does not need to be reserved.

I paid for the room but I haven't received a confirmation email yet?

We will confirm the room as soon as the money is in our possession. If you have not received confirmation more than 10 days after your payment, please contact us by email.

I wish to stay in Ghent, but not in Don Bosco.

For the period of the Ghent Open, the organisation only offers accommodation with breakfast in the Don Bosco student home at a very democratic price. All other accommodation options are available on the website of the city of Ghent. However, you have to arrange this yourself.



Savaanstraat 33
B-9000 GENT

Phone number

available from 01/07/24


Schaakhuis Caïssa - KGSRL
Abrahamstraat 46, B-9000 Gent
0411.954.149 - RPR Gent
info@kgsrl.be - caissa@kgsrl.be