46th Ghent Open International Chess Tournament

Koninklijke Gentse Schaakkring Ruy Lopez

Like last year, the 2025 Ghent Open will take place at the Sint-Barbara College in Ghent.

In 2024, the church was available as a chess hall for the first time. The many positive reactions we received show that this was a successful initiative.

The church will therefore be available for this tournament as well.


We provide accommodation in the renovated student home Ter Linden, Sint-Amandstraat 64-66 in Ghent, a 10-minute walk from the tournament hall.

Each room is equipped with a bed, cupboards, desk and private bathroom. The beds are equipped with mattress protectors, pillows, sheets and blankets.

The price for a single room breakfast included is € 50/night. One additional night is charged as warranty. A 4-night stay (Saturday, Sunday, Munday and Tuesday night) in the student home Ter Linden will consequently cost you € 250, including a € 50 warranty, which will be refunded in case the room is returned in a proper condition.

There are a limited number of double rooms available, but only on request. A 4-night stay (Saturday, Sunday, Munday and Tuesday night) in a double room in the student home Ter Linden will consequently cost you € 350, including a € 50 warranty, which will be refunded in case the room is returned in a proper condition.

Room reservations are possible as long as rooms are available and can be ordered via the online registration form for the tournament.

The reservation of a room is only considered final when the required amount due for renting the room is received. The accommodation will be confirmed by e-mail when we receive the amount due.

Each player booking a room should present himself in the tournament hall as well as in the student home. Both registrations ought to take place before 13h00.

Bank details for the payment of the accommodation and the tournament entry fee:

IBAN BE48 7374 2629 4027

bearing the name of chess club KGSRL with clear mention of the participant’s name.

Players who arrive on Friday can check in from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm..



Savaanstraat 33
B-9000 GENT

Phone number

Available early July


Schaakhuis Caïssa - KGSRL
Abrahamstraat 46
B-9000 Gent
RPR Gent
info@kgsrl.be - caissa@kgsrl.be